I am an artist who makes abstract paintings, I am aiming to use my blog to compliment my painting and as an outlet for a collection of things that I find inspiring and interesting and to show other artistic avenues such as photography and printmaking. I aim to make a distinction between the content of the blog and the website and to exhibit and post different items on each.
My website is www.trudiemoore.co.uk and this is my main painting site. This week I also applied and was accepted onto Made in Leicestershirehttp://www.madeinleicestershire.org.uk/artists/artist/556/0/trudie/ and in the past I have been on Axis arts and hope to re-start this membership. I am planning to link all of these websites together and to put links onto my main website.
Over the years I have sold many paintings and done a lot of personal commissions and also a couple of commercial projects. I have been involved with private and open exhibitions and art fairs. As an artist it's really hard to promote yourself and to find the right buyers and so everything I do I try to target what I think is the relevant audience for my work.\
I hope that you will enjoy the content of my blog and that you will link in to my website and have a look at the portfolio of work that I have on there, maybe even browse in the shop?